
Auckland Interior Design

auckland interior design

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I share your love for beautiful spaces and interesting things

As an interior designer nothing makes me happier than when I have helped you to create a space that you truely enjoy and look forward to coming home to. I always listen so I can develop a true understanding of who you are and what is important to you whilst enhancing your ideas to create a truely fantasic, colloborate, functional space. A unique space that feels like a reflection of you.

I genuinely believe that great design enhances your quality and enjoyment of life.

This is some of the work I’ve been fortunate enough to create with my amazing clients

The Auckland interior designer who listens & creates magic

Rebecca is always available to answer questions and provide guidance. Rebecca Logan Design can be involved in every stage of the transformation process, from the initial concept design and planning stages to project managing the final construction and execution.

You can avoid the angst so often associated with the design and build process and enjoy the excitement of watching your ideas take shape while Rebecca takes care of the less exciting elements like arranging permits, and managing and coordinating the tradies. Committed to making the renovation process as stress-free as possible.

Rebecca Logan Design LOGO

Auckland renovation specialists. If you are planning to renovate or transform your home, then you’ll want an interior designer and project manager who knows what they’re doing, are proven and come with a wrap-around service. Contact Rebecca Logan Design today. I would love to discuss your home transformation project with you!

Looking for clever Auckland interior design services? Rebecca Logan would happily talk with you about your home and what you’d like to achieve. Call 021 333 918.